Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On the arrest of Sheikh Hasina

[Statement issued by the politbureau of the CPI(M)]

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) condemns the arrest of Sheikh Hasina, President of the Awami League and former Prime Minister of Bangladesh.  The arrest and jailing of Sheikh Hasina on alleged charges of extortion illustrates how the caretaker authority backed by the military is moving to curb political parties and democratic rights.

The military authorities are cracking down in the name of fighting corruption and political reforms, while elections to Parliament have been indefinitely postponed.  Given the past history of Bangladesh of military rule, this development is ominous.

The CPI(M) fully supports the demand of the democratic and Left forces in Bangladesh  who want the restoration of democratic rights and freedom for political activities.  The government of India cannot keep silent on these developments in our neighbouring country.

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